It is our pleasure to announce that a cooperation between the Institute of Biology (SZTE) and the Institute Pasteur has been established this year, which provides an excellent opportunity for our colleges and students to improve their knowledge and gain tons of experience from the world's leading scientists.
The education provided by Institut Pasteur aims to train outstanding scientists for the benefit of the entire world. It is supported by a high structured local, national and international organisation, driven by high-level scientists.
The courses, as well as the initial and continuing training, have thus earned an important international reputation and contribute to attracting the great talents of today and tomorrow.
Since july 1, 2021 the Institut Pasteur has been a partner research organisation of the Université Paris Cité.
The Institut Pasteur Department of International Affairs and the Pasteur Network propose to students, researchers and technicians different funding programmes to encourage their research, develop news techniques and benefit from academic international collaborations.
An Education Center at the forefront of scientific innovation
The Institut Pasteur’s Education Center has been part of the legacy of its founder, Louis Pasteur, since Émile Roux’s first "Technical Microbiology” course in 1889. Every year, over 1,200 students, PhD students and professionals from around 80 countries attend one of the 50 courses and workshops run at the Institut Pasteur. More than 700 early career scientists are also hosted by laboratories on the Paris campus to receive training in research and complete their undergraduate, Master’s and PhD research projects. This makes the Institut Pasteur a major stakeholder when it comes to training young scientists through research.
The following are offered at the Education Center or on the Institut Pasteur campus:
International scope
The Institut Pasteur is internationally renowned for the quality of its teaching programs. The emphasis on practical aspects appeals to students and professionals in science or medicine wishing to top up their degree programs or expand their professional expertise.
Partnerships with international universities and exchanges under the Erasmus program are growing steadily. Over 65 nationalities meet at the Education Center and on campus each year.
Resolutely outward-looking, the Institut Pasteur continues to transfer knowledge through training opportunities within the Pasteur Network, in partnership with local and French universities.
Dr. Kis Luca, az SZTE Biológiai Intézet Embertani Tanszékének tudományos munkatársa az országban egyedülálló módon embertani leletek egykori arcának digitális rekonstrukciójával foglalkozik. Erről a különleges szakmáról kérdeztük őt interjúnkban.